Influencing learners
Influencing learners in schools/universities with life to life communication, knowledge, experiential learning, personal mastery, transformational leadership, coaching and mentorship.
Over the past couple of years we have developed a curriculum which has been tried and tested. The results have been exceptional and we are ready now to multiply this formula exponentially. This can and will only happen when we come together and stand united in our quest to reach millions of young people. Our desire is that these young people will in turn become “transformers” themselves whereby they take responsibility; not only for their own lives, but that they will heed the call to be the next generation of leaders.
How does one seriously impact the lives of millions of young people? By impact, we mean how do we actually make a difference in the lives of these young people? Many are without hope, without role models and many don’t even have parents. The challenges are huge. Our strategy however is clear and concise:
“Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world”
Nelson Mandela
1 Million Strong, along with our partners are currently actively engaged with many schools throughout South Africa, Africa, and South America with a number of other initiatives in various parts of the world coming on board. Although we are excited with what we are experiencing, we need to reach many more millions of young people if we are going to make an impact or make a difference.
The 1 Million Strong initiative has a vision to develop one million young global leaders all over the world. This is a huge challenge but we believe with God’s help, the power of collective will and synergy this goal is achievable. We are often asked; “How can I help?” The bottom line is that not everyone has the time to actively get involved as they may just be too busy or logistically it may be a problem – and that’s fine. We however feel there are hundreds, if not thousands of people, who could partner with us in any way they see fit. These “partnerships” however become significant when compounded. We are all aware of the miracle of compounded interest when we invest or save. Our goal is to raise 1 Million young leaders throughout the world who would be committed to making a difference in their communities. We would like to invite as many people as possible to become “brand ambassadors” so that you can fly the flag with us. Wear the T Shirt, wear the cap, speak about it, we need all the help we can get.